I currently have a 50gal community tank with one Synodontis petricola or Petricola synodontis (Donte) among other fish (for some reason I have drawn a blank on which is the species). I am in love with this fish and have tried to keep more of them in the tank but the others always die. I think it is becasue they cant deal with fighting over food with my zebra loaches, siamese algea eaters, and my fat dalmation molly. So they just seem to get weak and die. So I decided that Donte needed his own home with mainly his own kind. He is a lake Tanganyika cat fish and I have read he can be kept with no problems with cichlids. So I have a small 20gal tank I plan on turning into his new home. I have been doing alot of research and decided that Lamprologus ocellatus would be a good tank mate for my future Dontes.
To get to the point I have found reference and pictures of a few different color varieties of this cichlid but I haven't read or seen anything about different varieties being housed together. I thought it would be more interesting if I had two color varieties. Is this a no no?
To get to the point I have found reference and pictures of a few different color varieties of this cichlid but I haven't read or seen anything about different varieties being housed together. I thought it would be more interesting if I had two color varieties. Is this a no no?