Sand and/or gravel


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am in the process of setting up a new aquarium - haven't had one for some 30 years, but I do have the pea gravel (I guess that is what it is called) from my original aquarium. I also have some ocean sand - can I wash that thoroughly and use it? My old book that I understand was the "bible" of the time - it had 19 editions published (Dr. Wm Innes) says I can use "builders sand" which supposedly isn't as fine. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Thyra

P.S. It apparently is going to take me a while to learn my way around this site.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Yes, I plan on some live plants. Can the salt be washed out of the ocean sand? Also I have a sandbag which I assume is filled with ordinary sand - how about washing that?


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
ok for your live plants Agonite is the best and also make sure to get some Co2 stuff for it. id research the care for your specific plant. dont use the salty sand because the salt cant be removed to my knowledge. the Argonite is better for live plants :)

Feb 27, 2009
I've only used aragonite (or mixtures containing aragonite) for brackish water or rift lake cichlid tanks, to use it as a buffer for the pH. Some plants can take the harder water, so I guess it would depend on the plant and the fish.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I didn't realize all this was going to be such a problem. So far I have had to revamp the corner of one room, make room for my cookbooks in my computer room and build an new book shelf in the hallway. I still have to figure out how to wash the gravel I already have and the sand problem is still not resolved. Not only that, Petsmart has a lot of the fish I would consider on sale!! At this point I have no idea what kind of fish to get. When the kids were growing up we just had an aquarium and bought the fish the kids picked out. I do remember that cichlids did not work out well - they were very aggressive and I finally put them in the horses' watering trough - that did nothing for there longevity but it helped the rest of the aquarium.

Feb 27, 2009
With a 16 gallon tank, please make sure you choose fish that will fit in the tank. Many 1 or 2" fish can quickly grow to 1 or 2 feet!

Check out this link: AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor

It can help you figure out what will fit in your tank.

Whatever you do, don't believe the fish store sales agents. Many don't know much about fishkeeping, and most want the sale and are not all that concerned with the fish's health. There are exceptions of course, but that is the experience a lot of hobby fish keepers find.

Since you do not have the fish yet, I highly recommend you do a fishless cycle. Instructions are here: Fishless Cycle

I still have to figure out how to wash the gravel I already have and the sand problem is still not resolved.
Washing the gravel just takes time and lots of water. If its been used in another tank but has been in 'storage,' make sure the water runs clear before you use it. Sand can work, just make sure it does not raise the pH of the water. If you are talking about sand from a beach, it will likely raise your pH a lot. Pool filter sand or 'playground sand' sold at home improvement stores works well and is inexpensive.

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