Sand ir no sand?

Feb 10, 2003
Vancouver, WA
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I have a 55 gal reef that has been running good for about 2 years. I choose to leave a bare bottom because it would be easier to clean......
Now I'm setting up a 80 gal reef, should i use sand? My friend gave me 70 pounds of aragonite sand but i have not put it in yet. (the tank is still filling up with RO water only 30 gpd). How do you keep the sand clean under the LR?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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I don't clean under the rocks at all, in fact, the only time I ever disturbed the sandbed was when I was having an algae problem when I first started the tank up. Leave the sand stirring to the critters that live in the sand, (various worms, pods and small brittlestars) and the surface area well, I think queen conchs rule! They do a bang up job on the sand. I also have a brown atlantic cucumber which I like alot, but since they can poison the tank if they are stressed or die, I can't really recommend one to you. I also like the blue legged hermit crabs.....I have also heard of the nassarius (sp?) snails doing a great job on the sand, but I have never tried any of them.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
When the tank settled in for a bit, you can use gobies. Sleeper head goby will shovel and sift sand all day long. This will keep it clean. Small bristle stars also will help. I'd make sure the snad level is about 2-3 inches and if you have corals, place them a bit off the bottom with goby. Can sift sand on lower section of rocks.