hello! i am planning on swapping my gravel for some sand in my 20g freshwater aquarium. i would really appreciate it if someone or some of you more experienced people can give me a list of pros and cons with sand for a freshwater aquarium. thank you!
um could u stop multi forum posting, its takin away from other members questions, and many memebrs check different forums so ur questions will be answered anyway. thank you
Gravel Pros
Cant see fish poop as much
Comes in more types/colors than sand
Sand pros
Looks better in my opinion
Better for bottom feeders cause its smooth
Basicaly both are nice but it all depends on what theme your going with and stuff. If its for cichlids then sand is nice. If its for a asian tank you would want rocks.
I use sand in 2 of my tanks including my cory tank and cichlid tank. If you havent tryed sand you should to see if you like it.
I want to swap from gravel to sand too, but I'm worried that the cloudiness will do something weird to my fish. And I don't have another aquarium to put them in while the cloudiness goes away, but thats why I'm gonna clean the sand as best I can.
Depends if you have alot of water movement. On my 29gallon i have a penguin330 and it keeps every peice of poop off my sand.
If you have a big tank you could use a undergravel jet system to make the water flow across the sand and keep poop from seteling. You could also use a powerhead or just a very high power HOB filter like a aquaclear!
i use sand in all my large african cichlid tanks, multiple powerheads with or without under gravel jets will create enough current to keep the waste moving and getting sucked into the filter, this will keep anything from settling on teh sand making it dirty, http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/ug_jets.php