Sand Stirrer Debate


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay I have been reading and getting conflicting information so I will do a quick survey of the forums and try to gain some consensus on the following:

I have about a 5-6 inch dsb that was contructed with carib-sea arragonite with 2 inches of aragg-live sand on top..... With the amount of live rock (125 lbs) and about 60-100 various snails made up of nerites, ceriths, and nassarius snails.......I have no brittle stars or cucumbers or sand sifting starfish. Are these necessary to the health of the dsb???? I have read that sand sifting stars can and will kill a sand bed, then I was told that they are a necessary part of a dsb to ensure that pockets of anerobic material don't form........

Okay what is the consensus.....sand sifting star or not........

thanks as always.....