my question is does anyone have problems with fish eating the sand? i had some young siamese fighting fishes i was raising (last time i'll be raising bettas touble keeping them in separate containers) with sand and they seem to like eating the sand this was some time ago and i remember i could see grains of sand in there stomach and it would go through their system and they were fine lucky me well i took all the sand out and left it bare for a while became my q-tank once i got them out, i was just wondering is it ok for fishes to eat the sand i'm planning on putting the sand back with plants in with it and was worried that eating the sand would hurt other fishes, might put school of neons frommy other tank or pair of blue rams and some otos
the juvenile bettas that ate the sand i put in a container to let them poop it out and after it was out they had a slight bouancy problem but went away later that day but it would also eat the sand again so i had to check in every now and then and get the sand out b4 they could eat it again
the juvenile bettas that ate the sand i put in a container to let them poop it out and after it was out they had a slight bouancy problem but went away later that day but it would also eat the sand again so i had to check in every now and then and get the sand out b4 they could eat it again