
Apr 7, 2005
NE Ohio
Ok everyone.. Just ordered my Aqua C Remora w/ Maxijet 1200.. *BOUNCINGS That was the one that everyone here seemed to approve of, so I finally bought it...Now the next question that I'm sure is on every newbie's mind is sand/substrate. Yeah, sure I've read things in books that say live sand, and others say crushed coral...But here's the thing with me and books.. I could careless what a book recommends, instead, I like to know from experience what works.
I've been told, and I've been looking to use live sand. I was thinking a 3" sand bed would be just about right. I'm not looking to start anything high class. It's my first SW tank, and I just want to have a nice looking tank, with some really nice fish. Not anything too fancy, because I know I'll kill them. It's mean to say, but hey...Just the facts
So...Here's the main question. For starters on a 55gallon, SW tank, Live Planted, and Live rocks, would a 3" Sand Bed using only live sand be sufficient?


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
well at 3" you could run into some dentrification problems, its a little to deep to be a shallow sand bed, and not quite deep enough to be a DSB, but if you have some good sand sifters it should be just fine

Apr 7, 2005
NE Ohio
aresgod said:
well at 3" you could run into some dentrification problems, its a little to deep to be a shallow sand bed, and not quite deep enough to be a DSB, but if you have some good sand sifters it should be just fine

Well... What do you consider good sand sifters??? I thought of putting some snails, and maybe a nice crab or two in there....But to be honest, I haven't thought about that too much yet.. I just thought that maybe the 3" would be good...Should I have anything else with the sand, or will sand alone be ok??? I've heard of people using a mix of live sand, and either crushed coral or just dry sand, with the live sand on top??? Any ideas with that??


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
There are a few kinds of starfish that sift the sand, along with gobies. When i comes to substrate it really is up to you and what you want to keep. If you want crushed coral, go with that, just keep in mind some fish that do sift the sand may mind this...or go with sand.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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i like sand personally for many reasons, estetically(sp?) it looks nice, and you have the options of keeping many creatures that like to sift sand that you couldnt keep with Crushed coral

Apr 7, 2005
NE Ohio
Well.. I thought of starfish before.. Then I thought of maybe some snails, and shrimp... And I read about the gobies.. Just wasn't sure about those... I thought about a cucumber.. But I didn't know if I would need that if I put maybe 2 starfish, and some snails in the tank to keep things around...But I guess with a 55g, that I would have more room, and I want to make sure I do it at least close to right.. I know I won't get it perfect the first time around.. I don't believe anyone does...But hey...That's why I'm here.. Everyone has been great...


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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scratch 2 star fish, you would need a way bigger tank for that, 1 in a 55 should be ok though, a cucumber would be fine too, but if they die they release some really nasty toxins into the water and alot of people(myself included) dont think it is worht the risk, snails and shrimp should be fine and gobies too

Apr 7, 2005
NE Ohio
Well toxins are one thing that I really don't want to have to worry about, or deal with for that matter,however I hear that starfish aren't supposed to be extremely hard to care for. At the same time, if the safe way is to just get some shrimp, snails and gobies, then maybe being that it's my first SW tank, that may be the best way to go about this. With an approx. 2-4" sand base, what type of shrimp, and snails should I look at?? I mean.. Honestly.. Is there a huge difference in what I would be getting???

Apr 7, 2005
NE Ohio
aresgod said:
get some nassairus, astrea, dwarf hermits, and a sand sifter star, i was just saying it would be a bad idea to keep 2 sand sifters in a 55, maybe grab a turbo
Hey, by you saying it's probably a bad idea to keep 2 sand sifters in a 55, I'll take your word for it. No need to push the envelope just yet. I also thought of getting the Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp, and maybe even a Tiger Pistol Shrimp since it get's along well with a goby.

Last edited:


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
that sounds fine, gobys and pistols dont always pair off, I have a pair in my 40 that did and a pair in my 90 that didnt so...and the reason no on 2 sand sifters is that they will starve to death

Apr 7, 2005
NE Ohio
aresgod said:
the reason no on 2 sand sifters is that they will starve to death
Definitely a good enough reason for me not to put 2 in my tank. Then when I get to that point, it sounds like, one sand sifter star, some snails, 1-2 shrimp, and some gobies... Now once my skimmer get's here, and I get out to buy my sand, it'll be time for water, and live rock.. Wooo hooo *SUPERSMIL