

Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Should i use sand on top of pure flourite in a 10gal?

I wanted to go with a more cleanish look for my planted 10gal and i think sand really makes a difrence. Looks so smooth and stuff lol!

Obviously im just talking about a thin layer for the look of it and still have the flourite for the plants sake!

Good - Bad?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Basingstoke, hants , UK
i don't think it should be a problmem i already have sand in my tank i had it for 4 years i thin know and it look nice i find it harder to clean gravel thats a main reason for choosing it but
the answer is yes you could take some flourite out and just have sand thats been mixed around to give you a gravely / sand look seen it befor and looks good

so yes sand on tops fin but don't forget when you hover the bottom you will slow loss sand and over time you just get back the florite sam also as sand lighter than gravel the sand will slowly start on top but over time be at the bottom!

(hope this makes sence)

Oct 22, 2002
ditto what Cackett said.
Your sand is just gonna bleed through the flourite and in a few months your just gonna have sand at the very bottom and all your flourite on top.
Also, as Cackett mentioned, sand is a bitch to clean. Sure it looks fine from 10 feet away, but when you get close to the tank and look at the crud that floats along the surface of sand (in a planted tank) it isn't to cool at all.
Unless your great with your tank cleaning skills I wouldn't bother in a planted tank. In a african cichlid tank I would absolutly do it cuz they love that stuff (but then you wont have many plants!)

Oct 22, 2002
exactly what dattack said:)
They work ok for 1-2 months assuming you have a SUPER shallow bed of gravel ontop, like 2 pebbles deep....otherwise it's gonna clog up like nobodys business and will just be a bacteria and algae and nasty crap trap down there. Dont install it its not worth it.