Sanjay Joshi PAR calculator.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey, so I found that site a few months ago and thought I had bookmarked it... I was wrong ;). Anyone know which one I'm talking about? It's got a bunch of drop down menus for selecting different lamp and ballast combo's.

Anyway, I'm getting those 250 watt Icecap's from my other thread, but the lamps are 6-8 months old. So I wanted to try and figure out what I want to do with them. I'm debating selling/trading the fixtures for a single end set up but I want to check the PAR on my options first. Thinking single end for cost of lamp replacement, they seem to be $30 (or more) less than the DE's I'm finding.


EDIT: The other reason for SE's is I should be able to DIY some lumenarc's pretty easy ;).

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Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Thanks to both of you!

... and bookmarked lol ;)

Any thoughts on what to do with the lights long term? The tanks are 36 x 20 x 12. I was toying with the idea of both 250's on one tank and some T5 HO's or PC's on the other for low light. Buuut really I'm open right now ;).



Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Fair enough about the t5's. The main reason I'm thinking of that is I've started to get frags and cuttings from other locals and there's been a few I've had to put in my mantis tank. No matter where I put them in my reef they seemed to not acclimate to the light (150 HQI on a 20gal). So having somplace to put items like that would be nice. I guess I could use egg crate or shade cloth off to the side with the 250's though...

Yeah, I started looking at the options for SE's but there's a lot to sort through. He really does know his lights eh? lol ;) You're very lucky to have him in your local club!



Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So I'm a little disapointed with the results from the Icecap 250... The energy draw is AWESOME but the PAR is kinda lacking compaired to even a normal M81 with the lamps I'm looking at. Here's the best ones I could find locally.

1)XDE 10,000K DE @ 121 PPFD; 7541 CCT and 253 watts

2)XM 10,000K SE @ 115 PPFD; 11,543 CCT and 256 watts

Taking into account price difference, availability, and PAR I'm leaning towards the DE... but the colour has me a little concerned. I have a feeling I'd need some supplamental lights to get the look I like. That means more power, equipment, lamp changes ect... Any opinions on whether or not I should even worry about such a small differance in PAR? The SE is only $10 cheaper so cost isn't even going to be a consideration so far as that goes.
