saving cichlid babies


Medium Fish
Oct 4, 2005
SW Michigan
Ok, so baby cichlids are a given in a multi-african cichlid tank. I know this, and expect most of them not to make it (snacks), without interference from me. (I dislike the idea of them being eaten, especially don't want to see it as it happens, but figure it's a fact of life, and I'm not set up to have multiple breeding tanks)
Here's the thing. My fiance is a big softy. There's one tiny yellow lab survivor who he wants to save. (ok, I admit it, I want to save him, too)
What's the best way to get him out and into a baby tank?
I already tried syphoning him out, but he's too strong a swimmer.
I'm assuming I'll have to net him out, but I'm concerned that if I don't get him right away, I'll make him break cover, and "chomp".
Any suggestions?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Without breaking down the tank all the way I would say what lotus said is probably your best bet.

Another way that sometimes works well is to either try and get them a little while before the lights come on, or a few hours after they have went out. This way most of the time the fish are asleep and can be much easier to catch. But I don't know how well this would work on juvies, as I'm sure they are much more inclined to stay in the rocks at all times.