SBD and Dead Mollies

Dec 8, 2005
Harrison Twp. Michigan
About a month ago, I purchased 2 mollies, 2 zebra danios, and 2 glofish danios. Since then, the 2 mollies contracted swim bladder disease, and then the 2 mollies died, and one of my cory cats died also. About 2 weeks ago, I added fungus clear by jungle, and did a 30% water change after 4 days. The male molly died a day after I did the water change. A few days later, the female molly contracted SBD, and I repeated the fungus clear treatment, and did a 30% water change after 4 days. This treatment seemed to work, then the female molly contracted SBD again, and I repeated the treatment, and it went away. Then, a few days after, the same female contracted clamped fin, and then passed away the same day.

All of my water stats are normal, with the exception of my pH being 7.8. I do a 30% water change every week, and I add water conditioner, easy balance, stress coat, aquarium salt, and stress zyme. All of the other fish appear to be normal, and eating, swimming, and basically living fine.

My question, basically, is why do all of the mollies that I purchase contract SBD and die within a week or two of contracting the disease? There is one female molly in my tank, and I've had her for about 6 months, and she has witnessed 2 other pairs of, 1 female, and 1 male, mollies die of SBD. Is there something that I am doing wrong? If anyone has any advice, please reply to this post.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I really think you have too many fish in a 10g tank, which is probably contributing to the problem. Can you post your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates?

There's nothing wrong with your pH. I am wondering about all the additives, though. You really only need to use a dechlorinator, not all the extra things you're adding.

To be honest, if your signature is your current stock list, I wouldn't advise trying to add any more fish.

Dec 8, 2005
Harrison Twp. Michigan
No, my signature is not my current stock of fish. I haven't changed it recently.

My current stock is:
2 glo-fish
2 zebra danios
1 cory cat
1 amazon molly

My nitrate, nitrite, and amonia are all 0ppm. The only thing that is different, like I said, is my pH.

Sep 16, 2005
aquarium salt can be used as treatment (like if you get ich in your tank), but it is of no benefit to put it in your tank just because. (i think it was pure who posted an article posted around here somewhere that i have attempted to dig up, unsuccessfully).

i agree with lotus about your other additives too... not necessary. save your $.

the pH probably shouldn't be affecting any of your fish at all.. in fact, the livebearers usually prefer a more basic pH.

it sounds as if your tank is fully cycled... could it be where you're getting your fish from?

if they're coming from a reputable lfs, then you're just having a rash of bad luck as far as i can tell. if you've got chain-store mollies, read on.

i have a friend who has gone through more petSmart livebearers than i can count in a stable, cycled, tank... my only assumption can be that they came from poor stock. I imagine this probably happens a lot because you don't really have to "breed" livebearers, but as a result many that are sold are overly inbred. and i've also noticed that the larger stores end up selling some fish that would have been culled by private or more reputable breeders. so the discount isn't always worth it.

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