Scale disease help needed!


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
New to the board and I'm logging on for some help and advice.

I have 5 rummy nose tetra in a 3 foot tank, all of whom were doing fine until today.

I have just noticed that one of them has raised scales and bulging eyes.
It looks a bit like a pine cone.

My books seem to suggest dropsy, but this is supposed to be very rare in the aquarium.

Has anyone got any ideas? Sould I isolate the sick fish from the rest or is there a treatment that I can give it?
Is the only answer to help it on its way to ensure the disease doesnt spread?

Water quality is perfect - (virtually no nitrates/nitrites) and all other tankmates are in good health and have been in the tank for over a year.
I havent added any new fish for at least 6 months.

I have a spare tank to use as a treatment tank.
Will it do any good or is euthanasia the only answer?


Dropsy (Aeromonas)

Dropsy usually takes one of two forms, body swells due to fluid accumulation, which causes scale protrusion, and also protrusion of the scales without the body swelling up, false dropsy.
Dropsy is caused by a bacterial infection of the kidneys and other internal organs, causing fluid accumulation or even renal failure.
Treatments are varied, adding salt at a rate of 5mg per gallon seems to help.
With modern Anti– Biotic this problem is soon cured.

Pop-Eye (Exophthalmia)

Pop-eye may not be caused by infection and there are various causes.
Easily identified by the protrusion of one or both eyes.
It is commonly caused by excess gas in the system brought about by
Super saturation of gas in high pressure water mains.
It can also be associated with Dropsy or Ichthyosporidium.
Look for bubbles of gas in the eyes, this indicates the bends, as does nervous upset, distress or just odd movements.
If these signs are obvious then lower the temperature slowly to increase solubility of the gas (usually nitrogen) reduce aeration and wait to see if there is any improvement.
In marine aquaria Copper poisoning  can be one of the causes.
Pop eye can also be caused by hormonal imbalance for which there is no cure.