I love my current aquascaping (55 gal. in sig.), which is obviously kinda scattered.
BUT, I'm wondering if having more elaborate caves (using existing rocks/driftwood) at opposite ends of the tank with more open space in the middle would be better for the fish?
Why the urge to change things, you ask?
Male ousted the female after their latest spawn (which also happened to be their first), and so I'm wondering if a new layout with more/bigger/taller caves at each end of the tank (with a more open middle) would help reduce any breeding-related aggression that might flare up again from time to time? You know---maybe give the female a better place to seek refuge on an as-needed basis?
What do you all think?
BUT, I'm wondering if having more elaborate caves (using existing rocks/driftwood) at opposite ends of the tank with more open space in the middle would be better for the fish?
Why the urge to change things, you ask?
Male ousted the female after their latest spawn (which also happened to be their first), and so I'm wondering if a new layout with more/bigger/taller caves at each end of the tank (with a more open middle) would help reduce any breeding-related aggression that might flare up again from time to time? You know---maybe give the female a better place to seek refuge on an as-needed basis?
What do you all think?