Oct 22, 2002
#1 was quite a surprise to come to my tank and see one of my recently acquired paleatus corys bobbing near the surface........I wondered what was happening. I neede to go get something,and when I came back.......he was dead...................... :'(   What do you think happened? He was a new addition to the tank.
The tank is a 46 gallon planted tank. The bottom is sand,and the tankmates include......
3 swordtails
4 paradise fish(my darlings)
3(now two corys)
and 6 zebra danios

He hasn't been mutilated in any way. The yes were not sunken or anything. He started to gulp air fomr the top,then he got stuck and then.......he ws bobbing there and then......... :-[

What happened?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
getting a gulp of air from the surface is a normal cory behavior. supposedly, the air is absorbed through the intestinal lining.

well, where did you buy him? perhaps maybe he had some hiding illness that struck home when you introduced him. Even from a reputable dealer this can happen. I bought 6 harlequing rasboras at favorite LFS (i've never had anything EVER died from there before) and all of them are dead but 1. No signs or anything.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Could have been from acclimation stress, or illness not previously seen as Kep said.

1) What are the water chemistires of your tank?
2) How long had you had him before he died?


Oct 22, 2002
This poor guy died within 24 hours after I purchased him............and another died almost exactly 24 hours later. This is so weird. This pet store is in my city so the water should be the same. One more is left,so cross them fingers!!! The corys showed no signs of being mutilated or snything. They just kinda started to float arund,then they would float to the top,and flip on there backs. They would then fall form the surface and die I suppose. I saw the second one die before I cpuld do anything. These deaths are quick. They are fine one minute and dead the next. One minute he'd be grubbing for food,the next he'd be sitting one a plant,the next he'd be nerat the top,and the next he'd be dead!!!

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
is it a new tank? what are u feeding them? and whats the water readings? ph nitrites gh kh ammonia? most likly it's the acclimation stress or hidden illness like the others said b4...i had the same problem when i got some otos from petsmart bought three and they were healthy and active brought them home and not sure if i acclimated them well b/c i was in a hurry to go out and a week later they disappeared well went back to petsmart another week later and the otos they had left it there were still alive and well i dunno what happened to mine maybe was the water conditions never checked them but i got six 3 for free b/c my friend got them for me and they were properly acclimated and all alive and i have them for three months now  *celebratesmiley* i know petsmart not thebest place to get fish but this ones a good one and with smart employees depending on the days they're workin but at least one of the smart ones is always in there
anyways sorry for going on but most lfs have a 2-7 day return policy

Oct 22, 2002
Well, it turns out that the pet store has a 2 day guarnatee,so I got 4 dollars back off the two dead ones and I still have on thats alive. No ammonia or Nitrites,and nitrates were"at a manageable level" they said the ph was "fine" which must mean its around 7.0...the corys could have just been through to much stress. After all,they were shipped from Singapore! As for your qusetions the tank has been up since November and they had been eating flake food that sunk tro the botttom or that was put in the little cave for them. Now there is only one left and he or she needs some pals..........................


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What were your temperatures? Fish that go hurriedly to the surface are usually suffering from some sort of acclimation stress. If your temps were quite high compared to what they cooled down from during transport, they probably got shocked somehow.

I had one guy buy 50 feeder goldfish for his pirahna once. They were healthy when they left the store, he came back two hours later saying they died not more then 50 seconds after he put them in the tank.  Brought back all the bodies.  Found out that he had his pirahna at 98oF!!! and the feeder fish are kept at 68oF in their tank, so of course the things died the instant they hit the water.  He lowered his temps, apparently the heater had fizzed out on him unknowningly.  Never had the problem of instantly dying feeders again. Nice guy, was a very good customer.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
SOmetimes a good practice is to monitor the fish you like at the LFS for at least a week. If they acclimate to your LFS waters, chances are much better for your tank.

I usually buy the day before the new shipment comes in...I get the survivors or already treated fish.

This is of course with the more common fish. If they have killifish or SAE, I snatch them ASAP and hope they survive.

Oct 22, 2002
Whoops!! Miscount!!! There are 5...2 males and e females. Of course they are getting along, but the males occasionally get into mock battles which are quite fun to wathc, just that no one gets hurt. The one corydoras left is still alive. One of his barbels seems to be broken though.

Colsea= they didn't go hurriedly to the surface, they just went slowly. Fact is they didnt swim up there. They just started lolly gagging around and sitting on rocks and plants then they would float a little higher(seemed unintentional) and sit on some thing else(or get stuck).....then they are at the surface upside down....and then at the bottom.......

Do yo think that curious paradise fish investigatingbut not biting) the corys could have been part of it. This behavior happens to everything new in the tank. They come and circle it for a while and then go back to normal.