O, forget the "Mr. Nice Guy" jargon! I think its time to go for a lynching. *crazysmiley* Its one thing if you do not know better but come on, this is a school project. I remember my science projects where I did to study the subject to gain knowledge about it to write a valid conclusion that kind of made sense. This person is 16 years old not 8 and studying didnt seem to come up anywhere.
I tried looking for a e-mail address but could not find one. :'( I wouldnt of flamed him anyways but instead stepped him thru the ABC's of fish hobby. 7 tetras, 3 bettas, 10 shrimp? This is just hiliarous.
"Day 4 Monday 3/4/02mutalism- tetras and shrimp eat dead fish, Predation-betta eat shrimp" - What kind of tetras? Piranha tetras?
"Day 7 Thursday 3/7/02 Time:1:04 p.m.commensalism-when female betta died, snail sucked its blood" - New type of snail? Vampire Snails!! :
"plants have grown because of fish feces" - Cool! No more vacuuming in my tank!
"part of the anacharis plant is broken off and floating at the bottom" - Could it be because it is dying? No fertilizer or C02?
"rust buildup on jar" - Thats always a good thing!
"We also put in 7 tetras to complete our trophic level and to be used as a source of food." - Tetras as source of food? There must be a piranha in there somewhere! My discus dont even eat my tetras and they are 3x the size of bettas.
"Also, the more plants there are the more oxygen(O2) they will give off to the fish(and we used medium-sized gravel so that waste could seep through)." - What about enough C02? what about at night? The waste seep through the gravel? Down to where? the bottom of the jar? Really??!!! *laughingcryingsmiley* *laughingcryingsmiley*
"Lastly, the tetras survived only 2 weeks until the betas ate them." - Hmm! Maybe they died because of ammonia, nitrite or nitrate. No testing of water at all.
"I think that I would use different varieties of fish if I had to improve it." - What different varieties? Discus are tropical too?
"Our success was that the betas, the central of our ecosystem, survived." - Well, he could be a brain surgen. I mean, if a betta survives in the hoof print of an ox for a couple of months, a jar with tetras and shrimp as food and plants is a dream. Really, research of the fish would of told you that. No water changes, no feedings, just nothing. Put in all together and lock it up.
The experiment was a success. The snails had babies! Yahoo! *thumbsupsmiley*
Ok, ok! Im being a little harsh but come on, give me a break. This cant be real. Pinch, pinch!