schooling fish

Oct 22, 2002
I've tried neons and cardinals with no success they either die or get eaten (can't tell which)

what other schooling fish are there? white clouds seem to be cool, my LFS peeps tell me it only take 5-6 of them to school.

Any other options?

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
IME, a schooling fish may school depending on it's envirnment.

Such as neons or red eye tetras. I had both in a 29 gallon, they stayed in pairs or in small groups. I added them to the 55 gallon, and it was a lot more active, and they all stayed together. If the fish feel comfortable, they may not school.

On the other hand, when I kept tiger barbs(and the 9 new ones I have now), these are always together.

Are you looking for a lot of plant friendly fish that stay small?

ikea y

Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Try harlequin rasboras. They are hardy and very active. I have 5 of them in my 20H tank and I am going to get more in a few weeks. They are really pretty when the lighting is right and when they are not stressed out (they tend to look pale in the fish shop for that reason) and they don't touch plants.

Oct 22, 2002
dattack. I already have a tank full of them...I can't help but think they are partly to blame for my schooling fish disappearences? any thoughts?


For real I do have like 7-9 of them, and they suck...they are the most skittish fish I've ever seen and just kinda sit in one spot until ya dump in some feeders....I'm trying to find a home for them currently with no luck


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Longed Finned Leopard Danios are also a great little schooling fish with pretty pattern.  Celebese Rainbows are awsome too, but bigger. Go-lites are like an orange neon, and I've had lots of luck with them. Head-tail lite tetras are also a bit on the larger side, but nice. Really, any of your nice tetra fish are schoolers. If comfortable they'll just form up pairs or trios, but if you combine them with an active fish that "spooks" them a bit, they'll school.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You don't really put your neons in with you Piranha's do you.  You said they were the reason for your schooling problems.  surely your not. *but I don't think there are many schooling fish that will do much good with them. *celebratesmiley*


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Actually, the neatest display I ever saw was the one at the New York State Aquarium on Coney Island. There, they had this huge monster tank with about ten full grown, eatin' size piranha in it, and nothing but wall to wall neons and cardinals.  I mean, there was a neon in every space, none of them packed and schooling, but evenly spaced out in the tank as if one neon per cubic inch of water, and the piranha swam through them as gentle as you please...They really are a quite harmless fish. The natives of SA fear freshwater stingrays and electric eels more than piranha, which they catch and eat regularly.

Those piranha were so fat and well fed, that to chase after a neon would be completely pointless. Piranha are also somewhat veggie eaters as well, eating nuts and fruits that fall into the water when the rivers flood the forests of their native Amazon. They really only become viciously carnivorous during the dry season when food is scarse, or when ignorant people think it is macho to have killer piranha.