
I completed the deal today:

72 gal bowfront w/stand
2x protein skimmers
Eheim Cannister Filter
PC light fixture (Probably gonna be replaced)
Approx 80 lbs live rock
Mag Float Scraper
UV Sterilizer

= $350!!!!

Unreal, I'm still taking it all in. Gonna start checking stuff out now to see what needs to be cleaned, tweaked, replaced, and dumped. So far though, everything looks great.

I can't wait to get started on my reef...

Thanks for the info...

Everything is set up and running with Ammonia in and some saltwater bio-zyme to get things started. I also used a bag of live sand to supplement the 100lbs of play sand i got from Home Depot. It was some project, but its plugging away.

as soon as it clears up, I'll post some pics. The "live" rock looks great. It was still damp, so I am hoping there is still some living creatures on it. It's great rock, and should seed wonderfully once I get a few pieces of new stuff.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
sweet! more details on the equipment though... what kinda skimmer,lights ect... and i kno its already done but i would have stayed away from the "homedepot sand" since its guna give you algea like u wouldnt belive ... the canister filter isnt necessary and im assuming the powerhead it came with isnt the greatest n youll prolly need a few better ones but all in all sounds lke u got a preety descent deal! now how bout sum pics?

Pics tomorrow for sure, I'm letting it clear. I've read more now, and see that the Home Depot sand might not have been the best, but it's been done, so I'm sticking with it for now. I'm hoping to buy a house by the end of the year, so when I do, its gone.

I'll take a ton of pics and get brand info tomorrow. I really didn't plan on setting it up today, and did it myself, so I'm shot. Last I checked, the temp was just registering on the sticky thermometer he had on the tank, so hopefully it will be at 79-80 by tomorrow morning.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
nice... your guna wanna move the rocks away from the glass on the sides otherwise youll never be able to get the algea with the magfloat.... also what kinda light is that? you say pc's? how many watts? that power head is basically worthless (looks like a rio) IMO get a few koralias (2x koralia #3's should work) n what about the skimmer? going by the powerhead im guna guess its worthless too :p

I always left the side algae on my last tank. I like the look of the two seperate "mountains". I'm actually going to get the rest of my old rock from my cousin to build up the left side a little more.

The Rio definately has to go, just leaving it for now since I'm tapped out till next week. The light is crap... gonna be replaced before I make this a reef. It's got two 55w PC's (one being an old fw plant bulb I think). The skimmer is an Aquarium Systems model. It's not big enough? Can I just upgrade the powerhead? It's actually full of foam this morning (I set it up last night before going to work).

I'm also not sure about the placement of the intake for the filter... kinda ruins the ambiance you know? I'm gonna change that eventually, but I didn't want to have it stuck behind too much rock where it wouldn't really filter anything.

Ok... get ready to see what not being tired enough after work does to you!

1. I read up on those Koralias and bought two #3's on eBay for $28ea brand new. With shipping, they still come to about $20 less than any retail I found online. I really like their design.

2. I re-arranged the "live" rock to form sort of a shelf with a large cave in the middle of the tank. On the left side, it is clear off the glass by like 5-6 inches. On the right, it still touches. Not worried about keepign that side clean as it is almsot flush to the wall anyway.