Scrapping Brown Algae


Medium Fish
May 12, 2005
I probably have overlooked it, but I could not find anything about this in this forum and I wasn't sure if it was the same as the one talking about scrapping the green algae. Anyways, I have some brown algae starting to spread on the glass of the aquarium and I was wondering what the best way of getting it off was. I have 2 otos thinking they might help, but it is still spreading. I do weekly water changes and add Cycle (is this the problem?). I have plastic plants in the tank and the water temp. is about 76'F. I know that the otos eat it so I'm only worried about cleaning the front glass. Can I scrape it with the fish in or do I need to take them out?


The other night I took a bunch of algae off the front of my tank. Don't waste your time on scrapers, sponges or other products. Just get a clean straight razor or utility knife blade. I used a new clean utility knife blade on it's own, not in the knife, in my hand. You don't have to take the fish out. I actually had quite a bit of build up and it was off in a minute.

brown algae should wipe off with your finger...its the green spot algae that needs to be scrubbed.

To get rid of more of the algae after it has been removed from the glass, remove a little water, wipe down the inside of the tank...wait 15 minutes or so and THEN gravel vac, you will then remove a lot of the alage that you just wiped off, instead of leaving it in the tank to reattach and start growing again.

Dec 11, 2004
Pompano Beach, FL
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i agree with twoluvcats, when ever i get brown algae on the glass(very rare to find because of my pleco) i could easily wipe it off with my hand, and ray, why do you need to take out your fish if you use an algae scraper? i think there great because you dont have to stick you hand in the water


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
twoluvcats said:
To get rid of more of the algae after it has been removed from the glass, remove a little water, wipe down the inside of the tank...wait 15 minutes or so and THEN gravel vac, you will then remove a lot of the alage that you just wiped off, instead of leaving it in the tank to reattach and start growing again.
That is PURE GENIUS!!!