My newest Silver dollar has no problems. My old SD does however. He has been fin nipped alot. Missing chunks of fin is not so hot. The main culprit is obviously my Kenyi. He controls the whole left side of the tank and my other fish hide in my heavily fake planted right side. The question is do I get rid of both SD's or do i get rid of the Kenyi? Will the other cichlids pick on them later even though they are less agressive cichlids? Or get rid of the Kenyi and let the other fish come out of hiding? Will a new bully emerge if I do that? Or do i get rid of both? I love my SD's alot especially my older one. What shall I do? I need an outsiders opinion. Also the danios in the tank have been reduced to one with no bodies left in the tank. The SD problems have only started since the danios disappered. Just want a little help. I knew the danios were going to get picked off. Fourth option I guess, buy more danios to get chomped on, so the SD's might be able to stay. You guys choose, vote, or what ever to help me out. Any advice would be appreciated.