SE Asian Bottom Feeder


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2008
I'm thinking of buying a new tank and splitting the fishes I have from my larger tank over two tanks.

I want to create two themed tanks, One South american with my Angels, Corys, Ottos.

The other a SE Asia / Indian Theme with my Gourami as the centre peice, with some kind or shoaling fish like a barb or a harlequin rasbora.

What I am looking for is an authentic SE Asian bottom feeder, looked at Synos, Cories, Plecs, but they all seem to be South American or African. Any suggestions anybody?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
You can go with Siamese Algae Eatters but they do grow quite large and theoretically can't be housed with smaller fish (I suggest 2+ as mine chase eachother instead of pestering my Ottos). They do very well with planted tanks and are one of the few fish that eat Black Algae.

Chinese Algae eatters are good in a larger tank where they have plenty of room to stake out their own territory. Other wise they have a tendancy towards being aggressive.

Both these fish aren't limited to the 'bottom' of the tank. Though my experience with the SAE is that they like to stay low and amid the plants.


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2008
Cheers for the ideas, had a sucking loach for a while but got rid of him because he kept latching on to the sides of my female gourami, they ended up very stressed and ill so he had to go back.

Think Shrimps would be a nice idea, do they still eat the scraps in the same way say my cories do, I had one when I got my first tank, but he died because the nitrites went up. (Learnt a lot since then!) He seemed to go for the bits of food that went to the bottom but didn't really clean up as much as the cats do.

Are there any reccomendations on types of shrimp, a few smaller ones or just a couple of bigger ones? I can't remember the types of ones I've seen.

Thaks for suggestions any more are welcome.


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2008
Didn't do too well with my random research did I... Thats why sites like this are so good for getting advice! I was at LFS today looking at a tank, saw the glass catfish, none of the usual catfish behaviour going on there!!!!

What about a Kuhli Loach? They look fun saw a couple of those wriggling around.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
are you looking for SA bumblebee cats or Asian bumblebee cats, to similar looking fish but totally different in size.
the link below are for SA bumblebee, I have them and you definately DO NOT put them in brackish water. They are very peaceful but completely nocturnal, they stay small and are amusing to watch when you can see them out.

these are for the asian bumblebee catfish
PlanetCatfish • Cat-eLog • Bagridae • Pseudomystus siamensis
PlanetCatfish • Catfish of the Month • April 2002
I have no experience with asian but I dont see anything about brackish water on planet catfish.
I did search planet catfish for brackish water catfish..heres the link to search results
.brackish water catfish - Google Search

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Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2008
Any tank I get would proably be close to 20 gallons anyway, so not looking at a small tank as such. I'm going to buy a filter today to get it running in my existing tank. What would best substrate be for say a Kuhli? I have gravel in my tanks at moment but was thinking of sand of some kind in this one.