Sea Cucumber Molting?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Do sea cucumbers molt? I have a black sea cucumber who has been happily living in my 75g for 4 months. Other than the occasional hermit hitching a ride on his back I have had no situation of concern. He eats, poops sand and moves all over the tank cleaning the sand bed. Yesterday I noticed that his skin looked like it was peeling back to the last third of his length like a sheath coming off. The skin under was a nice black without any type of injury or abrasion. This episode didn't slow him down a bit. It is as if it were a normal occurence. I can't find anything on this other than a small reference to stress??? I haven't done a water change or changed the inhabitants other than to add a small rock with mushrooms on it. I haven't seen the cuke near this rock nor any other issues. The parameters are all acceptable with ammonia/nitrites zero, nitrates barely registerable, phos negligible, calcium about 380-400 dkh 3.5 meq/l. ph 8.4 sal 1.025 temp 78-80
I run a skimmer and 2 seio 850 powerheads along with a aquaclear hob that I converted to a small fuge holding charcoal. I top off daily with about 2 quarts of ro water. everyone else looks happy as a clam even the clam....

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
They only thing I can see in your perams is that the temp is on the high side for the cuc. they say 72- 78 and your topping that at 78 -80. \
If it seems okay other than that just keep a close eye on him, cause if they die they can be toxic and whip out your entire tank if not noticed in time.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I know but it seems to be business as usual. I have always maintained it at those temps, I imagine some that are not from the indonesia or south pacific would like cooler temps......