seahorse tank mates?!

Sep 28, 2010
I aquired my tank with 3 seahorses (and a bunch of corals) so Im interested in compatability with those…
A list of “tank mates for sea horses” that Ive come across on the web, doesn’t seem to include any angel fish, surgeon fish, butterfly fish, puffers, hogfish, tuskfish, damsels, lionfish, snappers, rabitt fish, spadefish, hawkfish, soapfish, anthias fish, foxface, sweet lips, banner fish, toby fish, other damsels (to name the majority of the fish Im interested in, of most intrest are the angel fish and butterfly fish)…If you have any knowledge in this are (or know where I can find some) please inform…


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
seahorses have fairly limited tank mates. some coral aren't even compatible with them so you best start IDing coral and make sure your corals do not pose a threat


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
My knowledge here is limited (very limited lol) But I wanted to start a Sea Horse tank at one time so I did a bit of research. The first thing that you need to do is idea the type of Sea Horses that you have. What I read said that most sea horses, not all, but most like a water that is a bit cooler than what you would want for some corals and fish. I would think that since sea horses move pretty slow, you would want a fish that moves kinda slow, something like a PJ Cardinal.