Sebae Anem


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
With the Atlantic and the Hatian doing so well and with the addition of more light, last week I decided to get this massive sebae. He looked extreemly healthy and was hosting a clown at the LFS. They had him for at least 3 weeks.

Well I got him home and noticed his mouth was gaping open. I know this isn't a good thing. At the LFS with the way he was facing and with the clown I couldn't see this. I've tried feeding him raw shrimp of different sizes, and he spits it out. It does take some brine shrimp on occasion. I've read that feeding the liquid invert food for sebeas can be bad for them so he isn't getting any of that. I also read that doseing iron to the tank can help bring them back. Anyone know of this? I've been doseing it in small quantities just to see. I don't want to over do it.

Looking at him today he is at full bloom very healthy looking but the mouth is still open.

Any advice will be welcomed.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Fish geek told me that hers does this when it's hungry, I just havn't been able to figure out what it likes. It spits out shrimp (WTF) last night I tried shrimp pellets and it reacted well to them and ate them, this morning the mouth is closed tight.