Seeking cichlid advice.............


New Fish
Jun 1, 2004
Bremerton, Wa.
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Hello everyone,

I'm new here. This is my first post. I am very pleased to have found such an informative and fun place.

I am looking for some advice please. I have a 55 gal freshwater aquarium. It's the home to 3 mature silver dollars, 3 clownloaches, 1 red tailed shark and 1 plec. I want to add something and am leaning toward a cichlid or two. I have alot of experience with aquarium fish but, with the exception of an angelfish tank, no experience with cichlids. I have been reading everything I can. I'm looking for a good non aggressive community fish with a friendly nature. I know that truly limits the cichlid family. I like everyone in my tanks to all live in harmony.

I have narrowed it down to three different fish and would really appreciate any comments or advice on which one would do best with the occupants of this tank. The main one I am thinking about is the Keyhole Cichlid. I really like what I have read about the personality of this guy. Another is the Geophagus Daemon, and last is the Blue Ram.

Even after all of my reading I am left with questions. If I were to go with either the Keyhole Cichlid or the Geophagus Daemon, would one do alright in a community tank or are they happier with friends? If two pair up will they be more aggresive with tankmates?

Is there any reason that any of my candidates would be a bad choice for this tank? I take very good care of my fish and tend to have them for many years, so I am trying to be very careful in my choice.

Any comments or suggestions anre very welcome and appreciated. Thanks very much.

Have a great day.


Mar 17, 2004
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Hi and welcome to the tank!:D

Well I don't have a clue about the Geophagus Daemon:(

But, Keyhole Cichlids are awesome fish!:D

Rams are a little bit more demanding

Keyholes prefer eachother so 4-6 is perfect in a 55 gal.

Now they would do great with everything in your tank(at least from what I know). But i'm not sure about the Red Tailed Shark, and the Silver dollars(they may not bother the keyholes).

Is your RTS(Red tailed shark) living on the bottom? If so then I would keep a close eye on him if you get keyholes since they like the bottom aswell.

Keyhole Cichlids are a great fish, they are hardy, very peaceful and not picky about food at all!;)

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
Rams would be great with what you got, or any dwarf cichlid for that matter. You might look up info on Apistogramma agassizi, or A. cacatuoides. I've kept all three species, they're cool fish, and best kept as mated pairs so you can see all the cool behavior that goes with makin' babies ;)

Apr 7, 2004
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Keyholes are nice fish. Rams are more colourful though - although I've kept them in hard alkaline water with no probs, they apparently prefer soft acid water (is your water as such?)
I know you'd prefer cichlids, but have you considered tinfoil barbs? I think they'd look great in that tank, but not sure if they'd need more space ....anyone know?:confused:
On the cichlid front, I've heard that Severums can be a fairly peaceful fish, with some stunning colours. I have no experience with them though....just a thought

Mar 17, 2004
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Tinfoil barbs are VERY big(suitable for home aquarium, but a big fish!)

With what you have you could try Severums, but Severums are a tad fiesty(although cichlids have their own personality):rolleyes:

Severums aren't Neon Tetra peaceful, but they aren't Jaguar cichlid aggressive;) so you could kinda see what i mean


New Fish
Jun 1, 2004
Bremerton, Wa.
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Hello again,

Thanks you so much for all the advice and suggestions. I really appreciate it. I have looked up and read about every fish that has been suggested. You have all offered such great ideas. I wish I had the room to have them all.

I love the idea of the Severum, but I think they get a little too big. I'm afraid of problems in the future if he gets too large for this community tank. They really are beautiful though.

I have one more question, please. Would this tank be large enough to house a pair of Keyholes, a pair of Blue Rams, and it's current occupants? I'm really torn between the two. I really like what I have read about the personality of the Keyholes, but I think the Rams are gorgeous. Could I get away with a couple of each, or would I be overstocking the tank? I don't want them to be crowded when the reach their full growth.

Once again, any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much to everyone. This is a great place.

Have a great day.



Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I think the rams will struggle in this tank - they're just too small and usually fairly feeble unless you get lucky. Keyholes or the Geo's would be better. Single firemouth or other Thorichthys would likely work as well