

Small Fish
May 9, 2005
I have a Golden Gourami who appears to be having seizures. I have had the fish for six-eight months now and have never seen this behavior from it before. We have other Gouramis which we bought at the same time and a few others of a different type which were also purchased around the same time. It will be swimming around fine and then all of a sudden swim all over the tank as fast as it can and then collapse on the bottom bend in a L shape twitching for a while, then get up and swim around like nothing happened. It has happened at least three times today, I checked all of my levels and they are all decent (.25 ammonia, no nitrites, and a small amount of nitrates). Has anyone heard of anything like this?

Sep 16, 2005
how long has it been doing this?

if it's just in the past few days, i'd venture a guess that he's on his way out.

if he's been doing it since you got him... well, i guess he's just "special".


Small Fish
May 9, 2005
geekrockgirl85 said:
how long has it been doing this?

if it's just in the past few days, i'd venture a guess that he's on his way out.

if he's been doing it since you got him... well, i guess he's just "special".
He just started doing it today, as far as I know. I believe he is on his way out too, but I was hoping there was something I could do for the little guy.

Sep 16, 2005
i think the only thing you can do for him at this point is euthanasia.

every gourami i've lost started doing a dance like you're describing (much like a swim bladder infection... painful to watch, but generally untreatable) right before he bit the bullet.