Doesn anyone know a major national petshop(in the US ) that buys fish/fry. The PetCo i usually go to only takes the fish, but doesn't actually buy them. Greedy $#@!
Well i sell my convict fry to a local pet shop and get store credit for more tanks/asscesories. =) Although i have to sell tons of them to get any good amount. And they won't take many. But yeah.....
I don't think there are any fish that will get you rich... Most breeders will tell you they break even at best. And you need to sell a LOT of fish to manage that...
Both of my LPS's are happy to buy any fish I bring in. But they'll refuse to take fish from other people. It all has to do with your relationship with the fish store. It also helps to talk to the owner/manager and buy him/her a few beers