Seperate them or let them just be cichlids?


Small Fish
Feb 22, 2006
I have three cichlids: a green terror, an albino tiger oscar, and an electric blue JD, all of which are very young (under three inches). I'm a little concerned because the green terror is constantly nipping at the oscar. The JD will chase the terror away for a bit but that can only help so much. It is a new tank so I figure part of this is them establishing territories and what not, but I'm still a little worried since the oscar is signifigantly smaller than the terror. Should I let them be them cichlid selfs and nip and what not or should I put up a barrier or should I return the terror to the lfs? Any advice would help.

Feb 28, 2006
Maybe you could add some giant danios as dither fish? I like the combination of those three cichlids, will be cool when they get big, Electric Blue JD's are so cool, I've only ever seen them once at a petstore, they were $76 dollars each!, which seemed a bit high.


Small Fish
Feb 22, 2006
Yeah, the JD was expensive ($60) but worth it. I'll post a pic of him soon. Unfortunately, the terror took a bite out of the oscar's fin so we decided it was best to return him. Everyone in the tank seems much more mellow now. Thank you for your advice anyway though!