Serial Killer??

Oct 22, 2002
150G Tank

Something is killing off my patties. Seems to happen at night, mostly when the lights are out. Find fish dead in the morning with the eye balls missing. Even have a couple of fish that have survived the attack but lost an eye. The attacker seems to prefer the eyes, the bodies are usually unmarked, and fins still intact. Suspected the Oto at first, removed it and it still occurs. It is beginning to be a nightly thing now. Most victims are my swordtails. Anyone got an idea?

Fish List:
15 Neons
5 Glow Lights
6 Swordtail Platties
5 Platties
2 Mollies
4 Rose Barbs
1 Large Three Spot Gourami
1 Oto
4 Serpae Tetra
2 Fruit Tetra
2 Paridse Gourami
1 Painted Glass Fish


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hmmm... stalk your tank at night. If you can, get a red bulb. Red light can't be seen so it won't disturb their nocturnal behavior but you'll be able to see into the tank.  Follow your normal nighttime routine, turn the lights off in the room, turn the red light on your tank, then stay up and see who is responsible for the carnage.

It might be disease. I have hard of fish loosing eyes in the improper water conditions. But this I've heard only for telescope eyed goldfish. I had a wholesaler deliver to me once a whole shipment of one-eyed calico telescope goldfish. Poor things.