

Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
Well so my water quality goes up, amm. is reading very close to 0, nitrates are down as well and my brown algae has SOARED over the past week! It's all over the pretty new purple coralline algae I have/had growing. :mad: It seems between the new light system and the Essential elements that I put on my water I'm not only supplying food for the algae I want but mostly for brown algae! Any suggestions?


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
I've had it set up about 5 mos. In short I was introduced to saltwater tanks the ENTIRELY wrong way and I've learned that well over the last few months! :( I wasn't doing water changes until recentally and I added Essential Elements 1 x per week, a Nitrate Reducer 1 x per week (2 x the first week, 4 times total) and a reef supplement 3 times now, once per week in an effort to get coraline algae growth up. I'v been testing for the past month prob. 2 x 3 times per week, seeing what changes may take place from anything I've added. Oddly enough, my last water test my Amm. went from reading .50 to almost .0, I'd say .15. (before my water change yesterday) My Nitrates went down as well. In fact, I didn't do a water change last week, which is about the only reason I can figure out it's happening. It had slowed WAY down. Funny thing is I have more brown algae now than I've ever had in the tank. I've read a little on fish, I don't want to add any new inhabitants until I have this tank down better. And, I read on mangroves, prob. is they really aren't going to be compatible in my sump and the only other vegetation I have in the tank (eelgrass which I suspect may have helped bring down the nitrates, what my conch didn't push over and knock loose). I added the eelgrass a little over a week ago and nightly my cleaning crew knocks more of it over and out of the sand and I have to pull it out each morning. That being said even if I added mangroves I believe the inverts in my tank will prob. just run over it and knock it down. I have a T5HO deep blue light set up over the tank, I got it about three weeks ago. It's left on about 9-10 hrs. a day. Any ideas other than constant water changes and cleaning my rock with a toothbrush are MUCH appreciated! :)


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
Coolness! I'll have to look into those. Is it similar to Chemipur Elite cuz I have one of those in there too, lol. With a thin layer of the black pad(the name escapes me at the moment) and white filter pad as a buffer between the chemipur which sits on top of the black layer. I know, I did BAD at water changes initially. I'll have to reduce my lighting. See, I have a bubble anem. that's the other reason I've been running the lights as much. Much thanks! :D