Serpae Advice

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I’d like to add 2 to 3 more serpae tetras in the hopes of easing the fin nipping. My stocking would be what’s in my signature plus 2 to 3 cories and 2 to 3 serpaes. Do you think I could safely add 3 serpaes and 2 cories? I am really mad at the serpaes. Last month they killed one of my platies. Her fins were nipped so badly that the poor girl died. I’m thinking that I’ll add 3 serpaes, and if they do not get along after a couple months, I’ll re-home all 7 of them to someone with a nice, cycled, planted tank. Whenever I first set up my tank, I had a trio of serpaes and there was no fin nipping whatsoever. Two of those serpaes have since died, and me, being silly and under the false impression that serpaes weren’t as nippy as everyone made them out to be, bought three more.
Also, how do you sex serpaes? I have three of the long-finned king and one of them seems to be a male because his behavior is extremely dominant and his fins are twice as large as the fins of the other fish. I’m thinking that if I can sex them, I should add more females and maybe with a harem, the dominant male won’t be so nippy.


Small Fish
Mar 13, 2010
i had the same problem i originaly got 3 and had to add 2 more but all i did was add 2 more fin nipping fish, i eventually gave up and returned them to the pet store