Serpae Tetra tank mates

Feb 10, 2006
im about to upgrade to a 55G and i mainly want to put my serpae tetras in there and i was wondering what kinda fish make good tank mates out side of other tetras

any help is well appreciated

even better

Try adding some cory cats, golden rams(microgeophagus ramirezi), blue ram(the same thing accept blue), swordtails(i'm getting some montezuma swords*SUPERSMIL ), knight gobies, black hi-fin tetras, and if you can, try some silver dollars(metynnis hyspauchen, metynis argentis), and angelfish.
STAY AWAY FROM PACU'S because they get to about 18". If you have any questions, just ask me because i have all the fish that i listed accept the pacus.*celebrate

Feb 10, 2006
right now my 10g has 5 serpaes 1 colombian red-blue tetra 2 small bronze corys and 2 ottos, which dont like algae wafers/discs and seldom go for blanched lettuce and prefer the algae that lives on the glass which i dont blame them.. the wafers smell like crap and im not fond of salads either and ya cant beat fresh grub *SUPERSMIL

chances are everything is gonna make it into the 55 when i get it in a couple weeks but i may not go that route i know the serpaes cory's and ottos are. overall undecided