Serpae Tetra


Small Fish
Aug 10, 2005
I have 5 Serpae Tetra , 5 Neon tetra and 4 Gold twin bar platy. The Serpae tetras are nipping at the neon and twin bar platy's fins. Is there anything I can do to stop this? Will the fins grow back? I was thinking about getting more Neons and twin bar platy's to see if this would stop the nipping. I have a 26 gallon tank.

Probably getting more serpae's would help more then adding to the neons.
I've got 6 and they don't tend to chase my other fish at all, but they do chase each other.
Serpaes (as you've see) are nippy fish, but when kept in a school tend to calm down. Also, how densely planted is the tank? Fake or real doesn't matter, but the more the better.
All of the fins should grow back once they stop getting nipped at.