Serpae tetra


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
This fish is the worst thing i have ever had. I hate it so much because it fin nips all my fish in my 30gal and its ugly...

I know their a caution fish like my red fin black shark but i didnt pick it out my mom did. She brought them home and the second i saw them i hated them + i added them to the tank and they have eaten both of my lemmon tetras fins almost all the way off and my new oto's have a hard time escaping from them chasing them 24/7...

This thread really has no point other than i need to release anger before i flush them. Obviously im not going to flush them but im so mad i needed to let my anger out and if a pet store doesnt take them then i dunno but i absolutly hate this fish. Its ugly and mean but at least my shark bit 1 of their fins off so he learned a lesson lol.

Anyways if you are thinking about getting a serpae tetra i would say dont IMO they are the worst fish alive


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Im not sure because my mom got them. All they do is swim around and nibble on fins... Its pissing me off as i hate them anyways and then they wanna eat all my fish.

Im gonna see if i can trade them tomorrow and if i cant ill see if i can just give them to a LPS. If no one will take them then i dunno but they cant stay in my 30gal eating up my fish -_-

Now i have informed my mom that she shouldnt buy fish without me their and without knowing what kind it is along with some research before the buy!


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Are you sure these are serpae tetras?
Yes im sure i looked them up at

I cant think of a better excuse to get another tank!!
Currently i cant because i have 3 now and were about to move in 3 weeks so thats not a option. Plus i dont like them i wouldnt want to care for them.

serpae tetras are fin nippers
Yes i know this i didnt pick them out my mom did so its not really my fault i wasnt even with her when she got them but after the research i told her and she now know not to buy without me.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
One of my favorite tetras are serpaes, but yes unfortunately they are fin nippers. But their aggressiveness does allow them to get along with fish you wouldn't usually think tetras get along with. I like to keep them with slightly larger fish, like SA cichlids, giant danio, tinfoil barbs, and even schools of tiger barbs. Their red color is a great splash to a primarily silver-scaled fish tank.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
They're a great fish for 'larger' community tanks. I think they're great! And definitely not ugly.
Research before you buy, it's your problem, not the fishes


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Originally posted by wayne
They're a great fish for 'larger' community tanks. I think they're great! And definitely not ugly.
Research before you buy, it's your problem, not the fishes
If your talking to me then obviously you didnt read my post because i said my mom bought them without telling me and i didnt know untill she was home with them..

So no its not my problem!

Doesnt matter tho i feed them tomy fiddlers :)


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
I had 2 in my 30gal. I know their a schooling fish but again i had no choice over how many to get because my mom bought them.

Anyways i know for a fact it was my sapeas because the other day before i gave them to my crabs i turned the lights off and sure enough he went strait to my neons <all fins gone> and started attacking again.

They also went after my lemmon tets and i asked the LPS so he said watch the rainbow shark its probaly him so i did for 1 hour 12 min and he didnt chase anyone. The sapea tetra is mean and they sux thats all their is to it.

This is the only fish i wouldnt feel bad about flushing. When i was feeding it to my crab my mom said its just his natrual behavior but again i had no choice over him going in my tank and it was either he died or my lemmons and neons died so obviously i didnt care to feed him to my crab wich is hungy anyways