This fish is the worst thing i have ever had. I hate it so much because it fin nips all my fish in my 30gal and its ugly...
I know their a caution fish like my red fin black shark but i didnt pick it out my mom did. She brought them home and the second i saw them i hated them + i added them to the tank and they have eaten both of my lemmon tetras fins almost all the way off and my new oto's have a hard time escaping from them chasing them 24/7...
This thread really has no point other than i need to release anger before i flush them. Obviously im not going to flush them but im so mad i needed to let my anger out and if a pet store doesnt take them then i dunno but i absolutly hate this fish. Its ugly and mean but at least my shark bit 1 of their fins off so he learned a lesson lol.
Anyways if you are thinking about getting a serpae tetra i would say dont IMO they are the worst fish alive
I know their a caution fish like my red fin black shark but i didnt pick it out my mom did. She brought them home and the second i saw them i hated them + i added them to the tank and they have eaten both of my lemmon tetras fins almost all the way off and my new oto's have a hard time escaping from them chasing them 24/7...
This thread really has no point other than i need to release anger before i flush them. Obviously im not going to flush them but im so mad i needed to let my anger out and if a pet store doesnt take them then i dunno but i absolutly hate this fish. Its ugly and mean but at least my shark bit 1 of their fins off so he learned a lesson lol.
Anyways if you are thinking about getting a serpae tetra i would say dont IMO they are the worst fish alive