Setting up a 55 gal


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2010
Okay, so I have some questions here. I have been planning on getting a 55 gallon tank. I already have a 20 gallon setup running and it's fully mature and I've only lost one fish, when it was cycling. I originally considered buying cichlids, but have decided against it because there seems like a lot of precautions with cichlids. So, I have decided to make a large peaceful tank.

2 Common Angels (Already have, will need bigger home
3 Silver Dollars (Same as above)
2 Pearl Gourami
1 Moonlight Gourami (I've heard that the two species may fight sometimes, please tell me more, because I've seen people mix the two species successfully)
2 Bristlenose Pleco
5 Blackskirt Tetra (Already have)
4 Buenos Aires Tetra (Already have)
5 Giant Danio
4 Cardinal Tetra
4 Sterbai Corydoras

I need help on what to do for cycling. I know putting in used gravel helps, but I really don't like the color gravel I already have in the 20g. (It's an unnatural turquiose color) and I would prefer a brown gravel, but I would have to buy new. I want to make cycling as fast as possible. I know Silver dolllars and angels are sensitive and they will be moved to the big tank, and I don't want to move them when the tank isn't done cycling. What order should I add these fish, based on the progress of the cycle and aggresion?

Thanks for the help!

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For cycling, I'd say run the filter and keep the heater on for a week without fish in it and then test to see what you ph, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia levels are. Then add in the fish. Your list should work out just fine. Just keep an eye on the angels. If they start to breed(if you have a male and female) there going to get VERY territorial and aggressive.
For a layout, I'd go for an amazonian look. Get like a light brown colour for the gravel, and some fake plants to cover up the background and some natural looking caves for the pleco's and cory's to hide in. With the fish you want, this layout will look absolutely gorgeous :)

Feb 27, 2009
I know Silver dolllars and angels are sensitive and they will be moved to the big tank, and I don't want to move them when the tank isn't done cycling.
Good plans, Kiwilover!

I would buy the filter you will use for your 55 gallon tank now, and run it on your 20 gallon tank (keep its filter running too). Squeeze some of the 'goo' from your 20 gallon's filter into your 55 gallon's filter and it will help seed your new filter.

Adding some gravel helps too, but you don't need to keep it in the tank long-term. Get a 'knee high' nylon stocking and put some of your turquise gravel in it, and tie it shut (making a 'gravel log' looking thing) and put it on top of your new gravel.

If you plan on any hard deco (driftwood, ceramic deco, rocks, etc) in the 55, put them in the 20 for awhile too, and they will get colonized by the bacteria.

Just make sure the 55 is filled up with dechloriniated water and heater on if needed to keep the temperature the same as your 20 so you don't shock the bacteria. When you start stocking after you've moved all the deco, gravel, and filter over, just stock slowly so you don't overwhelm the new colony of bacteria.

Just running the equipment on the new tank empty will not start your cycle.

Good luck!


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2010
Wow, thanks for the suggestions and such!

@Silver Dollars: Yes, I know the precautions with the breeding angels, they are not even close to mature size and have been growing slowly, so hopefully spawning should not be a problem for a while. I was planning on having lots of plants on the sides and back of the tank, with some sort of cave somewhere for the Bristles and cories.

@Orange Cones: I really like your suggestions for cycling! I will probably move a few of the plants from the 20 to the 55 after its been heated, and I will also see if I can get the filter before I get the rest of the stuff. It uses the same carts as the the one running in the 20 does, so I will put the old cart in the new filter for a few days.

The first fish I think I'll be adding will be Giant Danios, from what I've read they seem to be hardiest. I may add one of the tetra species in later.

For a cave for the Bristles and Cories to hide in, what do you recommend I do?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I made a cave for my catfish by smashing an old terra cotta pot in half. It is well used! And I have a pair of constantly breeding angels in my 39g. Every ten days they turn into a--holes, but revert to lovely community fish again after the eggs disappear overnight. In a 55g, if your angels do breed, you might still be okay, especially if your tetras are introduced while the angels are still small.
Your stocking plan sounds great - one thing to consider might be to get a larger number of one kind of the tetras, so you create a real 'school' swimming together around the tank, but that's just a matter of personal preference, really.
Good luck - keep us posted!


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2010
Yes, I've heard of that as an alternative.

So, I've been thinking about switching up the fish. Instead of getting another "big" gourami, like a moonlight or three-spot, would a Dwarf Gourami do better? I know the species will still fight, but I just want to ask.

Also, instead of having putting the Black Skirt tetras in to the big tank, I will be getting Black Neons instead. Firstly, will they do well with the angels and gouramis, and second, how many, if I can get them, should I buy?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Black neons should do as well as black skirts, but again, as long as your angels and gouramis aren't too big when the tetras are introduced. I personally love the look of a school of tetras - for them to really school you would want 10 or more.
I've not had luck mixing dwarf gouramis with pearls - but in a 55g they *might* be okay. Dwarf gouramis tend to be more aggressive than others, despite their smaller size.


Small Fish
Feb 5, 2010
I have another question now, on fish.

Two fish I recently fell in love with are Dennison's Barb and Boeseman's Rainbowfish. How would I be able to fit these fish into this setup somehow?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I don't know how nippy those kind of barbs are - if they are nippy, you might have a problem with them with your angels. But the rainbows should be fine - I would skip the danios and cardinals and go with five rainbows.