Setting up a fish tank..

May 25, 2008
Hey everyone. Recently, I began to take a hobby with aquariums. My parents (I'm still living at home--- home from college for the summer) have 3 fish tanks in their house as of now, but one had no fish in it when I returned home from college (30 gallon fish tank). One day, I decided to restart a fishing environment in the tank. I removed the tank from the wall and decided to clean it and set up a new tank. I bought new gravel, some live and fake plants, a few decorations and a new filter system. However, I also used some old items from the fish tank as well. I've done my research on setting up new fish tanks and so far, I've been cycling the tank for about 2 weeks now and everything seems to be going well. Ph level is good, the tank is around 78-80 F.

However, I now want to go and buy fish. I was wondering if people can help me to stock my fish tank, by giving me some ideas for good combinations of fish. Now, one of the fishtanks that my parents has already has mollies in it, so if possible I'd like to steer away form mollies. Also, no goldfish or betta fish please.

Also, how should I go about stocking the tank. Should I only buy a few at a time? I know there is the whole 1 inch per 1 gallon rule so I know not to overstock. But also, because I used some items from the old tank, I think I have helped to speed up the process for a bacteria system to become established within the tank.

So anyway, any suggestions for fish? If possible, I'd like some interesting fish to put in. Maybe a few showy fish, a species of schooling fish, and a few bottom feeders? Nothing too sensitive, as I am new at this and I don't want to kill off extremely sensitive fish with a small slip up. Thanks in advance, if anyone decides to help! *thumbsups

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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make sure you don't add anything till the cycle is complete. you should be almost done, especially if you seeded the tank with bacteria from another source. you are right about adding fish slowly at first. the 1 inch rule is garbage, and can get you in serious trouble. the best thing for you to do now is research. my suggestion is to go to your local fish store (lfs), and see what you like. write down the names, come back here/go online, and start learning about those fish.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I would recommend a pair of dwarf cichlids like apistos or german blue rams. Also a schooling fish, I love coral red pencilfish if you can find them. And some zebra loaches would round out the bottom area nicely. That would give you a showy centerpiece fish (rams), some colorful schoolers and some active bottom feeders.