Alright i plan on making a tank or finding one cheap but in the mean time i was wanting to set up one of my spares and i wasn't sure if i put sand and maybe a piece of LR from my main if it'd cycle it faster or just do a plan cycle?
Thanks *thumbsups
it's going to go into another tank once i finsh building it but it's just going to be inverts and like just saltwater and sand... no LR LS or anything like that..
BTW i wasn't thinking strate would it just be easyer to cycle it all in the tank it's going into? or doesn't mater
im not sure what you mean... but you cant really do a tank with living things with just a tank full of salt water... i think you need to build your tank, get it set up, cycle it and go from there.
i am i got the filter tank sand heater any stuff i was just woundering if i could set this up cycle it up then put it in another tank and cycle the tank stuff
same here i like setting them up but i just wasn't sure if i cycled this tank then finsh building the tank it'd be going into and maybe this would be the sump not sure... yet i'll probbley just set it up when i finsh building the tank well thx..