Settling in my Betta male


Small Fish
Nov 27, 2005
Is it reasonably likely that my male betta will get along with my 5 platys?
I want to get 5 platys in a 10G ( i have a similar thread going). i have 2 males so far, and im getting 3 females tomorrow along with a betta male. I was wondering (i know there are different types of bettas...tail types and colours etc.) are they different in better temperament with a crown tail rather than a..different type of tail (i dont know any others!). I do have a breeder net on the ready if things get ugly. Settle him in in there, and then release him.

Are the platy males likely to give him some trouble? Ive been told he'll hold his own. The main reason i want a betta is because they're so beautiful and ive never had one so i wanna try em out. Also, with 3 female platys, im expecting lots of fry so im hoping the betta might keep the numbers of fry down. I was told they will is that right?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I tried one of my bettas in my 10g with platies last weekend, and he went after them as much as he could. I took him out before he could do damage, but there was no sign of him calming down. Platies are colorful enough that bettas can see them as another betta and attack them. I don't think it's very likely that the platies will go after the betta; platies aren't aggressive. The different "species" of betta are really cosmetic only. Their temperment varies individually. You can try getting the most passive betta you can find; some bettas will tolerate other fish very well. Then watch how he behaves in a net breeder before releasing him. Even if he's going to go after other fish, you will be able to net him out before he does damage... bettas don't cause instant death, and mine didn't do any damage at all in the time he was flaring at and chasing my platies. You could also try a female betta (instead of a male), they tend to be much more compatible with other fish. I had a female in my 10g for a while with no problems until she jumped. A dwarf gourami is also another alternative to a male betta, again less aggressive to other fish. A male or female betta or a gourami will help keep the fry down, but then again so will the adult platies.


Small Fish
Nov 27, 2005
thanks for all your advice. Although i tried to pick the "most docile" betta at the shop (they have about 50!), it was impossible. Every ccontainer i picked up they all went swilling around in circles. Poor things had no room to swim. I got mine home and let him go and he was so excited, it was so cute *BOUNCINGS . He has flared his gills are few times ( i didnt know they could do that!!), but otherwise he leaves the platys alone. its great!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Sounds like you picked a good (docile) one if he's not chasing platies around. I have one that'll go after anything that moves (and some things that don't), and another that I could probably put in with just about any other fish.


Small Fish
Nov 27, 2005
well hes been in for a few days and has eared himself the name, "bodyguard". Hes the peace keeper and the stirrer of the tank. He swims around the platys when they form in groups and they all disappate around the tank. haha its funny to watch. IF he notices a commotion, hes over there in the middle of it as quickly as possible! He hasnt shown his gills (although id like to see it again theyre beautiful) so thats good.

Sep 16, 2005
if you catch him hanging out in the front of the tank looking out at you or something, you could try showing him a mirror to see him flare out (just don't do it too often!)

Sep 8, 2005
Unless he is like mine. He flared one time only and has never done it since. That's so funny a little body guard. Mine is MR. Mellow. He floats around the tank all day and sleeps on a sword leaf at night. Personable and diverse species.