setup questions

Jun 8, 2008
hi yall in my new 55 im going with
2 angels probbly black
bushynose pleco
8 columbian tetras
2 keyhole chiclids
2 gbr

ive started fishless cycling with the bio stuff how would you suggest i go about getting them which order should i put them in the tank and is there any other tetras from sa-ca that i can use or am i over/ understocked


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2006
Sligo, Ireland
I would suggest you go with the Keyholes first as they are a hardier fish and should be able to tolerate a new tank. After that, add the tetra's, then the Angel fish. When you notice algae starting to form, its time to add the pleco. Then when you are sure your tank is stable, ie: no ammonia, nitrites or nitrates, You can add the Rams. Rams will not survive with ammonia present in your water so hence they are the last to be added.

Dec 20, 2007
North Lousiana
I would suggest you go with the Keyholes first as they are a hardier fish and should be able to tolerate a new tank. After that, add the tetra's, then the Angel fish. When you notice algae starting to form, its time to add the pleco. Then when you are sure your tank is stable, ie: no ammonia, nitrites or nitrates, You can add the Rams. Rams will not survive with ammonia present in your water so hence they are the last to be added.
I have to respectfully disagree with that statement. A fully cycled tank will not have any ammonia or nitrites but should have a small amount of nitrates.

Jun 8, 2008
what about this
3 black veil angels
2 keyhole chiclids
2 german blue rams
5 corydoras
1 bristlenose
10 pristilla tetras
will this work right now i have had it fishless cycling for about a week and a half and added some zebra danios but they will be comming out when i start adding the other fish is this over/under the limit i have a penguin biowheel 200 and am getting another here shortly