severum acting weird

Ive seen my full grown severum unkown sex acting very weird. He/she stay close to bottom and moves back and forth back and forth. Kind of weird just wondering if anyone else has seen there fish do this. I have 2 severums one is full grown and one is half grown, The fish is healthy and the tank parameters are dead on. ?*thumbsups

Sounds like spawning behavior. The thing that's hanging down is likely the genital papilla, or breeding tube. It's usually quite thick and blunt on a female. Male's should be tapered and pointed though theirs doesn't really become all that noticable comapred to a female's. It might also explain the fish's plumpness. Full of eggs? :D
On a side note, no chicken for the sevies. They really shouldn't be eating those sorts of animal proteins anyway as it could cause more damage than the treat is worth. :)
A better snack for them would be romaine lettuce or other fresh veggies. *thumbsups