severum health


Small Fish
Jun 2, 2006
Hi Please help I have a lovely Gold Severum
About a month ago he developed a Protrusion from his head we looked to se if it was a worm of some sort and Decided it wasn't
It Appeared to be some sort of Fungus protruding Maybe 1/4 an inch from his head he was in a 100 Gallon tank with clown Loaches and Silver dollars as company All appear to be unaffected by this I immediately changed 20% Water and treated the tank with Myaxin it cleared up 1 week later Two or three Protrusions appeared
we treated this time with protazin at half strength because of the sucking loaches again they appeared to clear it and one week later several of these Protrusions appeared I spoke to my local Fishshop who sent someone round he said its a fungal infection the fish needed to be treated with a full dose of Protazin we moved the severum to a 50 Gallon tank and treated with a full Protazin Treatment He appeared to get much Better however after a week the protrusions reappeared I then tried an anti internal Bacteria treatment and again initially the results were superb but after a week were back to square one These protrusions are like a pin prick they came out from his head 1/4 of an inch or so that are white and don't appear to be alive there are now about 8 some are one inch above and one inch behind his eye which makes me think its not whole in the head (could be wrong) also they don't appear to be getting bigger other than that he appears to be fine he's eating he's about 9 inches long and he's gorgeous I would hate to lose him the water is fine have checked and he's been in two tanks please Help
Andy m