Severum Question

what would be good tankmates for Severums. I've been doing some research but I get alot of mixed reactions. Some say peaceful, Some say semi-aggressive,some say Very Aggressive. So from people's past experiences what are they like?. Can they mix well with Peaceful Cichlids? or small fish?

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
All I can give you is my recent experiences with my gold severum.

My severum is very peacful. He is housed with a silver dollar a koi angelfish and 2 freshwater barracudas along with their food.

He is a wonderful fish, very beautiful. I would not put any Aggressive fish with them. But I also think they can defen themselves with semi-aggressive.. I have seen a large tank with many severum and Tiger barbs??? They seemed to be fine.

It also matters on what size your tank is. Then you can really decied what fish can go with them.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
a 75 gallon would be fine for several severums. you can keep (as stated above) most fish that are not too small to be eaten, but are also not too aggressive.

i used to have several with an oscar and they did fine.


Large Fish
Jun 7, 2003
Phila. Burbs
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For a ready made food supply, i keep fancy guppys in with my pr. of golds.
They have a snack on hand at any time they want.
Been doing this now for a year & 1/2 , the sev's are 3+ yrs old.
I regularly have to take guppys out of that tank because they would still breed me out of house & home if i didn't.
Should have done this yrs ago, the guppys are super active & add much interest to the tank.
It's quite a site when the sev's come up & snag a meal....Rich

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Nah, I don't think so. I think the Golds are just more popular right now. To me Green Severums are just as beautiful as Golds.

The only sign of Severum aggression I've seen is with a pair that was given to the store I worked at. They were both torn up, mostly the female, their keeper said the male would do this to the female if he did not separate them right after spawning.....I've never heard of this happening other then this one time, maybe some one can shed some light on this...

But yeah, a 75g would be nice for a few Severums...

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Personally I wouldn't crowd the place with 2 Parrots. You might be able to pull it off, but then again it is good to limit our fish stock(even though it is hard!). Perhaps you could have 2 severums and 1 Parrot with a few smaller fish...or 3 severums and 1 young parrot. I haven't ever seen a full grown Parrot so it is hard to see the tank with 2 of them, but guessing buy sizes I've read 3 Severums and 2 Parrots would be pushing it.

If you are going to get juveniles and plan on buying a bigger tank in the future then that would be fine.

Any other thoughts guys??


Small Fish
Jun 18, 2003
Dayton, OH
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I have a baby gold severum (about two inches) with a jack dempsey, convict, and texas cichlid. I have had them for about two months and everything seems good. At first the gold severum was a little more passive...especially at eating time. Now, he is the second most aggressive at eating time to my fat convict. He doesn't start anything, but can hold his own if something happens; which he has done a couple times.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
that convict and texas cichlid can/will shred that severum in due time, especially if they are in a tank smaller than a 100 gallon.

you might reconsider keeping those fish together, even if the severum is larger and it is working for now.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i feel bad making constant posts like this one, but i feel like it is a responsibility to warn people and try to prevent them from getting so frustrated that they may abandon this great hobby.

if NOTHING is said about things like this, people may later wonder "why didnt anyone say anything about this?" and i dont want that to reflect poorly on this forum.

but yes, a severum and a texas, convict, jack dempsey in the same tank (at least one smaller than a 200 gallon) is a time-bomb plain and simple.