
Mine tends to be ver mellow i just got him hes about 5-6 inches and I got a tiger oscar about 3-4 inches and a convict cichlid about 2-3 inches with some live beareres and a gourami and some tetras They get along great but the severum is kind of a wuss do you guys think hes gonna toughen up.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Wait until they get bigger. You will wake up one morning go to look at your tank and not be able to see fish through the carnage that is waiting to unfold in that tank.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Not out of the question, but in a 70 yes it is. They do have teeth altho not like what you think when you think about Paraná but still. I know of Oscar owners missing a nub off of the tip of their finger cause they thought it was a good idea to hand feed their 13 inch Oscar. So yes they can inflict major damage on each other.

As far as pray items like tetras..they just swallow them whole.


Large Fish
Feb 5, 2006
I have a yellow Severum. Friend of mine was remodeling his house and gave me a 55 gallon tank with a 8 inch Severum. It is a great looking fish. He said he had it for about 6 years. I migrated the fish to my 60 gallon with my pleco, 3 tiger barb and Leporinus. They all do well with one another. I actually bought a baby Severum about 3 weeks ago.. Its awesome.. The baby does everything the mommy does..

That being said, the severum is not aggresive unless hungry. When she didn't get fed for 3 days, I went from 4 tiger barbs to 3.. :(
Now i have a friend come over and feed her when I'm gone more than 2 days..


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Sevs are pretty mellow in general, in fact they are one of the few fish that are suggested tank mates for discus. I have 3 full grown severums in a 90. And the only time I see any aggressive behavior is when they spawn.

It's having the Oscar in only a 70 gallon sharing space with another fish that is going to get 8+ inches, that I am warning you about. In the end you will probably end up with only 1 fish in that tank.