Severums Temperament

hi I was just wondering what happens if you buy a few young Severums(Green, Gold, Turquoise),and you raise them in a community aquarium with Keyhole Cichlids,Neon Tetras,Guppies,Platies,Swordtails. And keep the Severums well fed and take very good care of them,when they get big will they eat the small fish and bully the keyholes?. Or will they ignore them?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Severums tend to be pretty aggressive and when I had them I would regularly come home to a 1/2 eaten fish. Nature vs. nurture. They will eat your smaller fish, i.e platies and swordtails. And if you overfeed them in hopes of avoiding fish munching, then you can very easily screw up your water parameters. Keep them with similar fish or get a separate tank is my advice. Can't change a fish from what he is. IMO.


Large Fish
Jun 7, 2003
Phila. Burbs
Visit site
C-man's right about keeping them with discus but not about the water perameters thing, i think the severum would always eat first & just leave scraps for the discus because of the different temperment of discus, much more timid.
I keep both fish & i would'nt put discus with most fish. I keep mine with flag cichlids, very similar attitude & swim at different tank levels. I keep white clouds with them too so they will have feeder fry available when they get the urge.
I keep a bunch of fancy guppys in my gold severum tank so they have live food too. They only take a couple a day though & i have to net some out every wk. or it'll get too crowded.
The only other fish i keep with the golds are a pr. of raphiel's & a gold nugget pleco. If you get severum, don't forget the veggy's, they love them...Rich


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
check out fish profiles for a compatability calculator thing. They may have some suggestions on what will go w/ severums. Useful site sometimes but much more annoying popups of late.

Can I have gold a gold severum in a 55g with a jeack dempsey and a firemouth? They seemed a little aggressive when they were smaller, but for the last month or two they have got along great eating beside eachother sitting in the same caves too.

I want to add another fish to this tank that wont overcrowd it when they get to full size, and will also be a fish that people will stop and look and say wow look at that fish.