Severums are from the amazon, where water is soft and acidic. Optimum pH is 6.5, but they're adaptable, hardy fish, I just wouldn't put any in pH that high. Is there any way you could bring it down?
don/t know? thats why i/m asking & your the first one thats answered i/ve asked 3 times in different posts started off using aristopet ph down & my indicater stayed as blue (supposed to be a bluesh green ) went to the LFS& he said wrong stuff got to use seachem acid buffer 2x the price$12 there good at selling now theres still no change after 1 water change &1week do i keep going &fill the tank (72litres) with this acid buffer?
i would even try to change the pH because
1. it gets expensive over time
2. pH swings are bound to happen because your pH will constantly want to return to your tap water' pH (if you're using conditioned tap water...and you should.)
I'd say go with African cichlids instead. better water for them