Sexing Bettas ?


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
I have one betta in my community tank that keeps to his/herself and i just wanna know if its a male or female. I hope its a female so i can go off and get 1 more female. So how do you sex bettas? Thanks

- depthC

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Are you serious? I mean, not to be rude are anything but come on!
Okay Okay. If your betta has really long fins then its a male short standerd looking fins and its a female. You can keep mutilple femals in a communitee tank but male are mostly solitary. One in a communtie tank is okay as long as they aren't to aggresive. But having a male and female is very dangerous. Most male will not tolerate a female even in a larg tank, but it all depends on the personality of your betta. I had a male and female in a 30g communitee tank and they did fine but my male was very passive.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
yea what the hell kind of question is that?now i play devils advocate.genraly sexing a betta is easy look for short fins ovipositor on the underside of the fish and less attractive color,but now days you can find bettas in such a variation of fin,color and fin length that it can be hard to tell.heck i had a female that was bigger than any male you will ever see.shame that fish died before i got a camera(oh wait i still don't have a camera)so don't feel to bad.there is almost no dumb question.oh yea the ovipositor is the white dot on the belly of a female betta. the dot will be more visible if she is gravid with eggs.

Last edited:
Mar 11, 2003
You can't really tell by the fins only. Plakat bettas have short fins like females, and some splendens have shorter fins too. Also, I had a female that had long fins like a male. Generally, yes, you can tell by fins, but look at its belly, if there is a white dot on it, its a female. The white dot is an ovipositor (as mentioned).