Sexing my Rams, again...


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I'm pretty sure I have two males, and a female. Here's the pictures.

I'm am like 100% sure this one is a girl. Her stomach is so pink I don't see how she's not.

This one I'm like 90% sure he's a male. He doesn't have any pink, and his front black fin is taller and more masculine.

This is the one I'm not sure about, but I'm leaning towards male since it hasn't shown any pink yet.

Since I was really only planning on getting two, I called my LFS today about taking the ram in question back since the other two have begun behaving like a pair, and I didn't want the third wheel to get bullied. They told me they don't take fish back (wtf?), but they suggested I get another to make two pairs. I've read this is doable in a tank big enough, like a 20, and I thought since I have a 40 I should be okay. I am a little worried about my cories though if two pairs of rams are fighting for floor space. I haven't even been back to the LFS yet to see if they have another female, and I can't tell if its a good idea of if they're just trying to make a sale.

What would you guys do? Should I find a friend to give the loner to, or should I bump them up to 4? If I do get a 4th, should I be looking for a boy or a girl? Also, am I right on my guesses on the genders of the first 2?

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
just wait and see what happens... i don't think any cichlid is a pair until they have eggs .......and try to get a side picture of the third... btw coloration and the fin thing is not a real good way to tell sex... body shape around the anal fin is your best way


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
What fin shape? Does the female have a rounded anal fin? From what I'd read a pink belly was the definitive mark of a female ram. Is that not an indication at all?

Feb 17, 2011
Sexing fish is rather difficult, If one starts to display agression it probably is showing dominance. all male tanks are recomemnded if you'r not a breeder, female fish cause alott of agression. lots of cover and hiding places is recomended if you dont have anywhere to put him.