Sexing Severums / Blood Parrots


Small Fish
May 24, 2010
I have two Gold Severums and one orange Blood Parrot. There's a sneaking suspicion that both of my Severums are male and the Blood Parrot is female. I read that severum males will have much longer and pointed dorsal / anal / pelvic fins, female fins are more rounded.

If this is the case, will I need to remove one of the males when the BP fully matures? She's about four to five inches long now. I have no interest in breeding, but on the off-chance that it happens (if BP is a hybrid of Severum, will they want to?), will the two that pair off become too aggressive for the lonely third?

Or.....try to exchange one of the males for a female? I aquired them all as babies, so had no clue on genders.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi

SA's will cross breed like crazy!

Male BP's are sterile, but the females lay every 8 weeks in a healthy tank. You will likely end up with some sort of fry.

BP's are a sevrum mix (well at least some argue they are) in any event you will likely have aggression issues. Sevrums are often kind of nasty to their mates, this coupled with the fact that parrots are snotty but don't fight well could prove problematic. Or it could prove to be no problem at all

Best of luck