Shark help

Oct 19, 2009
I want to get a freshwater shark. I don't want a big tank, i was thinking more of a 10 gallon tank. I like the redtailed, would one fit in a 10 gallon tank? If not, are there any freshwater sharks that will fit in a 10 gallon tank?*celebrate

Oct 29, 2010
Unfortunately, redtailed, rainbow, and bala sharks (all freshwater ones that I know of) all grow over six inches (12 for the bala) and need more than fifty gallons. They are extremely active fish.

Some plakat betta look very sharklike, and are known as Siamese Fighting Fish.

Here is an image search for a particularly cool color morph:

These guys would love a ten gallon tank, it would be just the right size :D

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Oct 29, 2010
Tiger Barbs and Serpae Tetras are known to be aggressive and will play roughly among their shoal. You could get a big group in that tank, and they would be very active!

Betta are known for their high activity level and agressive feeding as well. Some people have even trained theirs to jump a short height out of the water to snatch food from the tip of their fingers!

Dwarf puffers are agressive and just the right size for a ten gallon tank. They take a bit of specialized care, so you should do some research :)

Another specialized hunting fish is the African Butterfly Fish. They are even more finicky than the puffers though, and need research as well.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I would suggest the Serpae over the Tigers in a 10g. Tigers will outgrow the tank quickly. Seeing them both feed, the Serpae appear to be the more aggressive feeders. Try not to keep much more than the serpaes in the tank though. One nip of the wrong fish and it's like chum in the water.

Bettas are pretty placid most of the time (Unless you stock your tank poorly). Pretty, but placid.

I would not suggest puffers of African butterflies to a beginner.

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Medium Fish
Mar 11, 2011
United States
If your looking for a more aggressive fish and any if that nature get a bigger tank, it will pay off in the end, beside's everyone get's bored of the community fish :) Predator's is what you want. 55-higher would be cool go on your local craigslist to get dirt cheap tank's got my 100 with stand for 75$ lol


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
so yeah... im not overly into "predators" and honestly that "predator" tank you have will be a blood bath soon enough....

I do tend to favor nippy territorial fish personally but yeah im cool on the comunity fish, honestly my fave are bottom feeders plecos and loaches

ok so that being said you could also look into puffers.... I dont keep puffers, but they are aggressive full bodied and very cute. they are not shark like but you might really like them. Just an off the cuff suggestion tho...

if this is your fist tank and you have not previously stocked it i would suggest something very hearty and less expensive as the probability of fish death is high