

Small Fish
Aug 15, 2008
i bought a couple of sharks, 6 inches in length.. they r not eating anything for the past one week since i bought them... they r afraid to come up to the surface,,,,,,,,plsssss help pls

Apr 26, 2008
I don't have sharks. But my platies can sometimes be hesitant to come to the top when anyone is around. If I place a plant at the surface they like to take shelter under it. They feel safe hanging around the top of the tank.

It's worth a try :) ????

I am sure that someone else is writing you something that will really help you. This web site is the best!!

Welcome to the site!


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
More information is needed to be able to help you. What are your tank parameters? This includes Ammonia, Nitrite, and nitrate levels. We also need to know how old the tank is and what size it is. Also can you be more specific as to what kind of fish this is? "shark" is the common name for at least 3 species of fish. Knowing exactly what they are is important in order to provide them with the proper care they need.

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Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
I've kept rainbow sharks, also called red finned sharks. Not to be confused with red tail sharks. These guys can be very sketchy when you first get them. They need time to claim a territory in the tank and then become confident with the surroundings. Give them a little more time. You would be amazed how long a fish can go w/o eating. Also, remember, even if you dont see them eat...does not mean they dont eat.


Small Fish
Aug 15, 2008
thank u so much for ur answers,,, i m so happy ... i m new to this hobby... i bought plain sharks.. white in colour with a black head... i bought it for rs 30 a pair.. my tank is 2*1*1 feet.... just one month old... sharks r bout 6 inches in length..... donno the species name,,,.. my golds r eating all the food i give,,,, :mad:

Jun 21, 2008
There is still more information that we need. You should probably start by doing a water test and telling us all the info suggested by Pure. Also, we should try to figure out what kind of sharks they are. They are mostly likely not true sharks. You could either post a picture, which is probably the most surefire way of identifying them, or look up bala shark, iridescent shark, and other aquarium sharks until you find what they look like. It sounds like they could be either one of those two kinds, so you could start there. BUT, it sounds like you may have a bigger problem in that goldfish (if that's what your golds are) are coldwater fish, and most likely your "sharks" are tropical. I would think that this could possibly be the cause of them being sluggish and maybe not eating. It also sounds like your aquarium is a 15 gallon, which means that it is probably overstocked. With the sharks being 6" now they may soon outgrow the tank. If they are iridescent sharks they get huge and will certainly outgrow it. So, try to get more info on here and you will get much more specific responses. They'll get things sorted out for you. I didn't know anything when I started, and it's amazing I didn't kill more fish than I did. I'm slowly learning, in large part thanks to this site.


Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
Well, if yours is what I think it is. It's really a catfish. There are few true sharks that are kept in the home aquaria. Dont sweat that I said earlier. I have rainbow sharks. They are not true "sharks" either. The problem is, catfish get huge!! That fish will probably grow up to 4ft in length.

Hate to say it...but its best if you return the sharks. A tank that small will quickly stunt their growth, which can be very harmful to the fish.

Now on to the "golds" as you say. I'm pretty sure were all guessing these are goldfish. If it is in fact a 15 US Gallon tank. See Here You only have room for 1 goldfish, and thats pushing it. 1 Goldfish should be kept in a minimum of a 20 gallon tank.

So, lets try to take care of these problems one by one. We all want to see you have a successful tank so you can watch your fish grow and prosper.

Again, any more questions you have, feel free to ask. Were all here to help you out. Even if you question something myself or someone else has said...bring it up...its best if you are 100% clear on the answers your getting.

Thanks for joining, and good luck!
