Shelby and Ruby have Ick too!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Here we go again. Just spotted white spots on both Shelby and Ruby. They share a different tank than Rigel and Reena.

For crying out loud, I am going to take my Aquarisol and throw it in the garbage!!! Ick preventative my arse, waste of money.

Going to go buy Coppersafe.

OK, I am RELIGIOUS about my water changes. I cannot make the water and better. My fish do not seem stressed, so why has EVERY FISH I OWN GET SICK!!!

Robin - dead/bacteria
Finchy - survivor/body fungus
Rigel - recovering/Ick
Reena - recovering/body fungus
Shelby - diagnosed/Ick
Ruby - diagnosed/Ick

Water, 80F, pH 7.0, am/ni 0

I vacume my gravel twice a week, use Reverse Osmosis water, treated with 1tbsp salt and a bit of Melafix and Aquarisol (which sucks) as preventatives.

What else can I do... what I am doing wrong. For heavens sake, all my fish get sick :(


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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*ALL* ah the roller coaster of emotions. UP... down... Up... down.

All fish are still alive :)
Don't know why they got sick :(

Starting my cycle on my first 10gal tank tomorrow :)
Dont have enough money to buy any fish now :(

(hits head on desk repeadidly) bang bang bang

Thank GOD fish are so blasted relaxing otherwise that pain in my chest might give me something to worry about ;)


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well, Rigels clear for now of his Ick, still treating the tank in case another Ick cycle appears.

Reena is all cut-up in the fins, and still has some white edges. Treating the tank for fungus and bacteria now.

Shelby looks fine, Ruby has a single white spot on one of her fins. I need to treat them again (this time I will take-out the carbon filter doh!)

This amount of illness is not normal for bettas. I sure hope I find the cause soon.